United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization Organisation des nations unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura |
7, Place de Fontenoy75352 Paris 07 SPtel. : (00.33.1) : (00.33.1) : h.dorville@unescoo.orgDirector, Bureau of Strategic Planning
Reference: DIR/BSP/04/226Paris, 10 August 2004
UNESCO is delighted to express its support for the truly path-breaking work of German artist Gabriele Leidloff. Her innovative approach to scientific technology and her forum of art and neuroscience entitled "l o g - i n / l o c k e d o u t" is designed to explore the intersection and nexus between art, science, and communication – three of UNESCO's major developmental aims. It has also the potential for enhancing an engaged dialogue in the contemporary world – an approach which echoes UNESCO's own efforts to promote an exchange among cultures and civilizations through concrete projects and activities, particularly at the regional and sub-regional levels. One of the key challenges in that regard is the promotion and practical application of a set of growing universally-shared values, such as: mutual understanding, tolerance, respect for Otherness, as well as the promotion and safeguarding of cultural diversity, the commitment to and observance of human rights, and democratic principles and – above all – an engagement towards a culture of peace.UNESCO thus believes that Ms. Leidloff's creative art project corresponds well to a number of its aims, priorities and endeavours. For this reason, UNESCO is prepared to be associated with this project and the Director-General, Mr. Koďchiro Matsuura, has therefore granted UNESCO's patronage for it.We wish Gabriele Leidloff, together with the proposed fiscal and administrative collaborating institutions, every success and hope that it will help inspire and chart new artistic and interdisciplinary approaches between art and science.
Dr. Hans d'Orville